Thursday, September 28, 2006

00045 - Bag of holding

It's where you put infinity

Every proper adventure needs a proper bag. And there is no bag worthy of adventuring more than the bag of holding. You can stuff it with loot, weapons, armor, wookie braids, monster manuals, gems, even small tasty farm animals, and it never grows in size or weight. Also, everything will be astonishingly cataloged inside and you'll be able to find whatever it is you are looking for in an instant. It's like the dewey decimel system on steroids wrapped in a singularity. It's almost like magic. And sometimes it even is.

A Must have for a D&D me !!! :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

00044 - Russell Peters on Italians

00043 - White & Nerdy

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

00042 - Torn

00041 - History of F***

00040 - How to be: EMO